Sunday, September 14, 2008

Guys Right Now

Okay, so... The past few days, I've been relatively confused about men in my life. I wanted to have a reason to like them. Certain ones have good looks; others have great personalities. Yet, in my constant process of realization, I failed to understand that there is one guy in particular that I had a slight (major) crush on. I'm usually good at giving advice about guys, but lately, I've been struggling with the same issues that are brought to me regularly. Am I wrong for not considering the advice that I would give to someone in my situation? Am I wrong for being excessively bizarre? Lately, I've noticed that I tend to be a little more than just a typical teenage guy; I am quite attracted to guys, and it seems that I have several of them calling many times a day. I know that I'll not date any of them because they will soon realize that I'm just a jerk. However, despite all of this, I still really like this guy.... Cameron.... like a lot. I don't want to do anything about it though -- not yet. I mean, I absolutely do, but I can't. Not yet. Ugh!!!! Now I understand what all of you my friends are going through when you ask me what you should do. I know what I need to do: tell him how I feel.

Post Script: we must also find Chanel man, even though I'd much rather be with Cameron...

1 comment:

Kristina said...

yes. must find chanel man. :P