Sunday, September 14, 2008

Guys Right Now

Okay, so... The past few days, I've been relatively confused about men in my life. I wanted to have a reason to like them. Certain ones have good looks; others have great personalities. Yet, in my constant process of realization, I failed to understand that there is one guy in particular that I had a slight (major) crush on. I'm usually good at giving advice about guys, but lately, I've been struggling with the same issues that are brought to me regularly. Am I wrong for not considering the advice that I would give to someone in my situation? Am I wrong for being excessively bizarre? Lately, I've noticed that I tend to be a little more than just a typical teenage guy; I am quite attracted to guys, and it seems that I have several of them calling many times a day. I know that I'll not date any of them because they will soon realize that I'm just a jerk. However, despite all of this, I still really like this guy.... Cameron.... like a lot. I don't want to do anything about it though -- not yet. I mean, I absolutely do, but I can't. Not yet. Ugh!!!! Now I understand what all of you my friends are going through when you ask me what you should do. I know what I need to do: tell him how I feel.

Post Script: we must also find Chanel man, even though I'd much rather be with Cameron...

Monday, September 8, 2008

This past weekend

okay, so this past weekend has been rather rough. My RA and I got into an argument, and yeah... My floor seems relatively unshaken by it, but I might not be able to tell very well. Who knows... Anyway, I noticed that my ex is "friends" with someone on my floor. The two of them apparently know each other through a friend. I began talking with this "friend" just before school, and I haven't had much time to get to know him. This puts me in an awkward position with the dorm since my ex was a complete jerk and lied about me. Anyway, enough ranting. today was good.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Again Homo Stuff

So, there are people who have similar issues. I recently learned this, yet I now realize how foolish it was for me to think that I was the only one with the issue. I digress. Anyway, I felt that it was important to open the discussion to anyone who wanted to talk. Today, I was outside my apartment, and there were a lesbian couple and a gay couple. It was quite unusual for me, but I rather enjoyed seeing other people with my issue...

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Issue

Well, I'm sure that all of you are eagerly awaiting food, but I figured that we'd have a discussion for this first week, and that would be our "meat." The first topic is Homosexuality. This is a moderately common issue, and I felt that it needed to be addressed. I understand that although many people have strong religious connections and feelings regarding this issue; thus, I will try to be sensitive to that. Let me begin by saying that I am a Christian. Alright, for me, I have tried to solve my gay feelings. It doesn't work. For many years I have worked to remove them, or blot them away -- Doesn't work. I don't understand it, and I don't claim to. What I do know, is that I have the feelings; I have the issue. I can't seem to get rid of it. Not once, did I feel as though I could be different, yet when I was told that it was wrong, I tried so hard to purge all of the feelings that I had. All I wanted to do was the right thing.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Basically, A dinner club is a group of people who rotate the responsibility or pleasure of hosting a meal and game night. The host provides the main course or meat, and the guests each provide another dish.